If you were in Los Angeles County on Friday night, March 28, 2014, chances are, you felt an earthquake. For those in La Habra or in its immediate surrounding areas, chances are, you really felt an earthquake. A recent jump in seismic activity has made the discussion of earthquake preparedness omnipresent.
Whether you are a Southern California native earthquake pro or a terrified newbie, there is always room for improvement on the preparedness front. After you get your personal earthquake preparedness kit together for your family, your next move should be to evaluate your properties.
Here are some resources that can help:
- The Southern California Earthquake Center:
- Detailed information on fault locations, safety tips, and insurance considerations. http://www.earthquakecountry.info/roots/contents.html#contents
- The City of San Jose Apartment Owner’s Guide to Earthquake Safety: Despite the name, this site presents a ton of valuable, general information regarding retrofitting and structural integrity in apartment buildings. http://quake.abag.ca.gov/wp-content/documents/City-of-San-Jose-Apartment-Earthquake-Safety.pdf
- TotallyUnprepared.com: The name is playful but the information is serious. This site has tips for securing furniture. Have furnished common areas on your property? If those furnishings are not secured properly, you could be opening yourself up to liability for injuries caused to tenants seeking refuge in those areas during a quake. http://www.totallyunprepared.com
- The Los Angeles Fire Department Emergency Preparedness Handbook: Tips on earthquake and other emergency safety. Consider handing this handbook out to your managers. Who knows, they might catch a hazard that you never noticed before. http://lafd.org/eqbook.pdf
- Ready LA - The City of Los Angeles Emergency Management Department: City specific preparedness instruction that includes evacuation routes. http://emergency.lacity.org/index.htm
Stay tuned for more important resources to keep you and your property secure.